Thursday, December 27, 2007

Finished Objects and Some Works in Progress


I finished the Master Coriolis socks finally last week, and I love them.

Plymouth Sockotta Sock Yarn on US 1 1/2
Pattern is from New Pathway for Sock Knitters: Book One

I cast on and finished my sister’s hat.


Yarn Harlot’s An Unoriginal Hat done in Malabrigo Chunky in Whales Road (I love this color)


My sister actually really likes the hat.

Finally I am working away on my Bartolomew’s Tantalizing Socks.


I am almost done with the heel but when I started the heel I made a mistake and I put too many stitches on the heel and I am hoping that by the end of the heel it will work all out *crosses fingers*. I am loving this yarn sooooooo much. This is my first time working with Socks that Rock and I am so excited that I am in the sock club for the next year. I hope to have a close-up of the front of the socks soon so the linen stitch can show up.

I am also working on my some socks for my mom but shhh they are a secret.