Thursday, June 28, 2007

While I haven't been posting, I have been knitting...

My migraines and work have kept me away from taking pictures of all of the knitting I have been doing and but I hope to remedy that soon. I just felt so guilty posting without beautiful pictures to enhance my post. Oh well, this post will have to be boring.

On Sunday I finished the first Sockapaloza sock and I am glad to take a brief break from it. I really was starting to hate the chart of that pattern.

Sunday I also started socks for my coworker who is moving back to Italy in three weeks. I decided to do basic stockinette socks, 2 at the same time on 2 circulars. They are going a little slower then I expected but not too terrible. Using my official office measuring tape, they are 2 and 3/4 inches long. I have been doing them mostly on the train or when ever I get a free moment. I hope to do a bit of knitting on them tonight.

I also have been working on the gauge swatch for Mystery Stole 3. My first attempt on size 5 needles didn't look right, my second attempt on size 4s ended up with a mistake and a knot and got thrown across the room. Last night I thought light and airy thoughts and ended up with a completed swatch which is blocking at home now. I feel moderately ready for the first clue to come out tomorrow.

Other then all of that, there hasn't been a lot of knitting time. I have had one migraine this week and a lot of smaller headaches. Add to that fact that it is 90 + degrees here and thus I am showering before bed to rinse the sweat off of me and it really cuts into my knitting time.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sorry for the Silence....

Originally uploaded by idealthursday
I have been having a ton of migraines lately. Not a lot of knitting or much of anything at all. This morning the sock and I sat down for some tea and to gather our spirits for the day. I think today we will make a lot of progress of that I can start Giulia's socks soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Yarn Pron and hiding places


This is my lovely Lorna's Laces that I just got yesterday. My first Lorna's Laces purchase and I simply adore it. I can't wait to work with it!


This is River.

This is Lakeview.

Sorry about the pictures being so big. I am switching over to flickr from Photobucket and I still don't understand on how it all works. You can however click on the pictures to see a larger version. Pretty cool.

Knitting is still slow. I knit a few rows on the heel of my pal's sock this morning on the T and then rewarded myself with a row on the Clessidra sock. I really need to finish one of my pal's sock's this weekend so that I can work really fast on socks for a coworker who is going back to Italy in less then a month.

I thought I would also continue with my theme of showing off Zacky's hiding places. He likes to sit on the window sill next to the stove and look out onto the fire escape. Sometimes a squirrel comes up to the window to tease him.


I think he knew I was taking pictures. His ears don't look thrilled at all.

Sometimes however he gets on the stove. This is not encouraged and then he finds himself on the ground. He still tries however.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Second attempt at a heel

So my goal last weekend was to finish the first sock for my pal. Saturday night I began the heel as written in the pattern and finished it. Sunday I spend most of my knitting time ripping it out.

First, the pattern is for a basic short-row heel that involves a lot of yarn overs and knitting three together. It was more then a little confusing and came out funny and very hard to follow. Also I tried the sock on, having feet of a similar size to my pal's and found that it was very short and that the heel was no where near where it should be. I started reknitting the heel on Sunday night and I am still at that point today. The pattern on the top came out much nicer then I expected.
This is the total length of the sock right now, before I finish the modified short-row heel.
And this is Zack watching me taking the pictures from his new hiding spot under the tv . He curls up around the DVDs and will sit there happily all day, only preferring a brown paper bag to this spot. He loves lying on his brown paper bags.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Uber Picture Post

So as promised here are the tons of pictures I promised. (With captions underneath)

Zack annoyed at how long I waited to post these pictures.

The finished baby blanket. Finished... umm a long time ago. Baby is now loving it and mother is happy since it is the only blue thing she owns for her baby boy (who has an older sister).

Yes, that is my Serta Sheep guarding the finished blanket.

I really like the holes the crocheting left of the corners. I think it makes it look fancy.

One finished Jaywalker. Will I finish the other one? One day.

The side of the Jaywalker. I am so proud of the heel. I was so sure it was going to come out huge but then like magic it fit.

Harlot Day: I am holding her sock and she is holding mine. If I wasn't so whited out, you could see that I am wearing the white tank top I knitted.

Auntie Em holding the Harlot sock.

Sock pal's sock. As of today, if I were to put it on my hand it covers all the way to my thumb.

Clessidra sock. It has moved along significantly since this point. Plus this sock has been to a Wedding and to meet the Yarn Harlot. This sock really gets around.

My hoard from WEBS. Mostly sock yarn. Why?

This is the socks I am currently wearing. I need more socks, STAT!

Who is this? She is currently the nameless kitten my sister just got. Anyone think of a name for her?

Zack is not thrilled with the idea of a kitten. Oh well, he only has to visit her.